Saturday, March 31, 2012

Penama dalam Pewarisan Pampasan Insurans

Salam semua,

Siapakah yang paling berhak menerima Pampasan dari pihak Insuran jika sesuatu berlaku kepada anda?
Apa gunanya Wang jika Anda TIADA lagi?
Kepada  siapakah anda Inginkan wang Pampasan itu Pergi?
Anak2 ! Pasangan Anda? Ibu atau Bapa?

Ramai yang menanya - kalau apa2 jadi nanti, siapa yang dapat duit nih?

dalam konteks Insurans, biasanya - kita perlu meletakkan satu nama untuk menjadi Nominee/Penama, ada yang sebut "Pemegang Amanah" atau "Trustee".

dalam kes Keluarga / pasangan bukan Islam. Nominee akan berhak 100% jika Nominee tersebut adalah Ister/Suami kepada Nyawa yg di Insuranskan,  ibu atau bapa ataupun Anak-anaknya.

Bagi Keluarga Islam, walaupun telah di berikan Nama Isteri/suami sebagai Penama,  Wang pampasan tersebut masih dikira sebagai Harta Pusaka dan patut di bahagikan tertakluk kepada syarat2 Hukum Faraid.

AWAS ! Elakkan dari memakan Harta Anak2 Yatim ! - [ walaupun anak2 sendiri ]

Call saya untuk sebarang pertanyaan dan Cadangan bagaimana anda boleh mendapatkan Pelan Perlindungan dan Simpanan serta Medical card berkaitan pelaburan tanpa perlu risau tentang kebajikan Anak-Anak anda serta pasangan Anda Andainya Anda Pergi Dulu Sebelum Mereka .

Call saya di 012 3435 223 atau tinggalkan komen serta pertanyaan anda di sini.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Kenapa Anda Perlu membeli Polisi Insurans-Investment Linked [ IL ]

saya terbaca  artikel ini di website Mr. KC Lau dan ingin berkongsi dengan anda

harap anda mendapat manfaat dan boleh membuat keputusan yg lebih tepat dgan keperluan anda jika anda memilih untuk membeli polisi iNSURANS atau MEDICAL CARD. 

Why you should first buy Investment-linked Insurance Policy - by K C LAU


There are so many types of life insurance policy in the market. Currently there are 16 life insurance companies in Malaysia and most of them provides more than 10 products. So how do you choose your first insurance policy to buy?
Most likely when you are approached by an insurance agent, you are presented with Investment-linked policy. It actually makes sense to buy investment-linked policy as the first policy you should own. Here are the reasons and advantages:
  1. Transparency – Unlike the traditional policy such as whole life or endowment plan, an investment-linked policy reveals all your premium allocation clearly. This is what I call transparent policy – you can actually understand and see where your premium is used. Policy holder will receive a periodic statement that clearly and precisely lists all the premium allocation, relevant insurance charges, investment value and fund unit price. I owned both Great Eastern investment-linked policy and AIA investment-linked policy. Great Eastern sends me the report quarterly (every 3 months) and AIA is only once a year. Prudential also sends the report once a year. Besides this report, you will also get the investment-linked fund performance report annually. If you didn’t get the report stated above, please contact your agent. There is something wrong somewhere :) 

  2. Low insurance charges – For fresh graduates, age around 23-25, it is normal for them to seek their first insurance agent and also the first insurance policy. When you are young, insurance charges are very cheap. Investment-linked policy calculates the insurance charges based on your age. They use a mortality table and clearly provide the insurance charges table in the policy. This means you can purchase high coverage with low premium when you are still young. Sometimes, the premium is even lower than a term policy.

  3. Flexibility – Once you get older, promoted, married, have kids, your protection needs eventually increase. When you retire, your kids are independent, your protection needs eventually decrease. Looking at this circumstances, investment-linked policy provides the flexibility to increase or reduce the premium, include or exclude certain coverage rider, supplementary benefits and sum assured. Put it simple, you can modify this policy whenever and however you want it to be.
  4. Integrated better health card – some insurance company like Great Eastern and Prudential, they provide better hospitalization and surgical benefits only for investment-linked policy holder. For instance, Great Eastern lets the investment-linked policy holder to include Health Protector (no co-insurance, cheaper insurance charges) in his policy. But if you only want a health card, Health Protector is not available to you. You would have to get a standalone card which is higher in premium and normally comes with co-insurance payment (means patient have to share the medical bill).

  5. All-in-one benefits – All sorts of coverage can be included into your investment-linked policy. This includes accidental benefit, hospitalization income benefit, living assurance, critical illnesses benefit, health card benefit, lady care benefit etc. Almost all available protection riders can be included. You will find it easier and cheaper to have one insurance plan that can give you all the possible benefits you need.

  6. You control the investment strategy – Did you ever think that investment-linked policy is risky because it involves investment? Actually, you have the right to control the risk you can bear for your investment. You can choose which fund to invest, which strategy to use, which portfolio allocation to apply, and even when to do the switching from fund to fund which is normally free of charge. If you are skeptical about investment risk, just put all your premium into a fixed-income fund!

Friday, March 16, 2012


Assalamualaikum . . . .

" Adakah Anda Bersedia?"
inilah satu soalan yang di tanya kepada saya apabila saya mula di Interview untuk jawatan di tempat baru saya kini . . . .

Jawapan saya :

Bersedia dari segi Apa? . . . [ satu soalan balas - biasalah . . ., tak tau nak jawap apa.]

kini di tempat baru dengan suasana kerja yang baru, saya selalu bertanya kepada Pelanggan yang dapat saya ber-bual . 

Adakah Anda Bersedia?

Kenapa saya pula yang bertanya macamni ?
[ cuba lihat dan fahamkan gambaran di bawah ya . . .  ENJOY ! ]


Saturday, February 18, 2012


Adakah Hidup Selesa mesti di sokong dengan Hutang atau TanggungJawab?

salam sahabat2 dan halo !

setelah sekian lama tidak meng'Update dan memeriahkan visit kat sini, Saya nak share-lah sedikit dengan semua, apa yg saya tahu dan saya rasa Semua orang patut memikirkan ya juga!

soalan2 yg perlu kita fikirkan jawapan nya . . .

Orang Bujang

1. Berapakah gaji yg Cukup untuk membayar bil-bil bulanan serta Pinjaman Anda?
2. Berapa kah Lebihan yg perlu untuk menanggung Perbelanjaan Harian termasuk perbelanjaan Girlfriend ?
3. Apakah Hobi anda melibatkan Kos yang besar? kepuasan Diri penting utk mengurangkan stress !
4. Adakah Anda membayar sewa rumah/bilik atau memberi ELAUN kepada Ibu dan Bapa?
5. Anda ada menanggung Perbelanjaan Adik-beradik yang lain?

Orang yg dah Kawen?

1. Apakah tanggungjawab anda terhadap keluarga?
2. Adakah Rumah yg anda diami masih berhutang dengan Bank?
3. Pendidikan Anak serta perbelanjaan seharian terletak di tangan anda atau pasangan Anda?

Apakah yg boleh Anda Jamin sekiranya sesuatu belaku kepada Anda dan anda Hilang Upaya ?

Fikirkan Sejenak ya . . . .

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

SME Loan / Business Loan - Proses

Salam . . . .

Bagi yg sedia Maklum, Saya, melalui SME Loan - Sumber Pinjaman PKS menawarkan khidmat Nasihat / Konsultan dan menguruskan Pinjaman Perniagaan bagi Pihak " Pelanggan "  dengan Persetujuan ' Pelanggan " dengan syarat2 dan yuran Dokumentasi yang di bincangkan bersama.

Proses yang perlu di lalui

1.   Berbincang/ pre-interview
2.   Pelanggan mengisi borang sambil menyediakan 4 dokumen ASAS
            a] IC
            b] CCRIS Report - dapat di BNM
            c] Bank statement - 6 bulan terkini
            d] SSM - lengkap
3.   Saya menerima borang dengan semua dokumen asas untuk di nilai dan teliti sebelum menentukan jumlah layak pinjam dan dari institusi mana serta skim apa yg layak

4.   proses ini akan mengambil masa purata selama 14 hari bekerja dan adalah PERCUMA [ setakat ini ]

5.   surat penilaian di keluarkan dan saya kan berbincang dengan "Pelanggan"  bagi menjelaskan proses2 lanjut dan yuran2 dokumentasi yg terlibat.

6.   "Pelanggan" membayar yuran dokumentasi yg di kenakan dan Pihak syarikat akan mula melengkapkan dokumen dengan kerjasama "Pelanggan" dan proses boleh mengambil masa 2 minggu hingga 4 minggu  - ber gantung kepada kes.

7.   Proposal akan di hantar kepada Bank untuk di proses and Bank akan membuat "Site Visit" bagi menentukan ke aslian kes dan syarikat.

8.   Pelanggan akan berurusan dengan Bank hinga mendapat kelulusan dan "Pelanggan" akan membayar "profesional Fees" seperti di persetujui kedua2 pihak dan Pelanggan akan MAJU dalam PERNIAGAAN !

Jika ada perkara berbangkit dan Pelanggan tak dapat memenuhi syarat2 seperti di atas - adlah di nasihatkan berbincang dengan pihak syarikat melalui saya untuk memudahkan kami membantu Pelanggan MAJU DALAM PERNIAGAAN.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why is it that it’s so hard to talk to most people about Financial Freedom

 dear Friend,

Just Sharing an e-mail content from a web-guru of Internet marketing, i've been following her notes and postings for a couple of months now and i would like to share this with my Network Partners and friends . . . 

Her Messages reads :

One of my top 5 favorite movies of all time is ‘The Shawshank Redemption.’

It probably has one of the highest “replay” values of any movie out there. I can’t think of another film I could watch 10 times and not get tired of.

There’s a scene in the movie where Brooks Hatlen, one of the oldest and longest residents of the prison, is coming up on his parole date.

He attempts to kill another prisoner, a good friend of his, by holding a knife to his throat, until the other inmates talk him out of it.


In order to extend his sentence to avoid the outside world he is terrified of and to stay inside the prison that he has now grown fond of and calls home.

Once released, he later commits suicide because he finds himself unable to fit into a society that has passed him by.

It’s one of the saddest and most ironic scenes of the movie and of course, we think to ourselves...

That could never happen to me. I would never allow myself to become so institutionalized that I would willingly turn down my own freedom.”

But Are We So Different Than Those
Who Are Trapped In Prisons Of Concrete And Metal?

Have you ever noticed how some people are perfectly content to complain all day about their situation yet when you show them a better way they dismiss it as too good to be true, a scam or some other invented excuse?

Why is it that it’s so hard to talk to most people about things like owning your own business, personal development, or financial freedom?

Where exactly do these constraints within our own minds come from?

Why are so many people content to be stuck in the rut of running on the 9-5 hamster wheel their whole life?

And what exactly IS the hamster wheel anyway? Who created it and why do so many people have a hard time escaping it when the door to their cage is wide open and all they have to do is step through it?

It’s hard for us to fathom but inmates like Brooks Hatlen are very normal in today’s prison system.

They’re so comfortable with the world they’ve become familiar with, that even once they’re out, they’ll do anything just to get back IN.

This is one of the symptoms of what is known as “Post Incarceration Syndrome” (PICS)

Here is a description of some of the symptoms of PICS from a center for rehabilitating former inmates:

“Institutionalized Personality Traits are caused by living in an
oppressive environment that demands:
passive compliance to
the demands of authority figures,
passive acceptance of severely
restricted acts of daily
living, the repression of personal lifestyle
the elimination of critical thinking and individual
decision making, and internalized acceptance of severe
on the honest self-expression thoughts and

Sounds pretty horrible right?

We talk about escaping the “rat race” or the “corporate prison” but would it come as a shock to you if what you just read was literally, no exaggeration, almost word-for-word, the exact stated goals and purposes,
as laid out by its founders,
of the system that many people spend 12 years of their life in - the public education system?

Ridiculous you say?

Is it really when you think about the state of much of society today?

As a leader in the home based business industry, when
you’re trying to free people, when you’re trying to help them break down old habits and mental constraints and
reshape their thought patterns for success, you may be fighting against more than you ever imagined...

To Your Success,

Ann Sieg

P.S. – I truly hope you never allow your wings to be clipped...

FACTS or FAKE ? New, Small or Medium Entrepeneurs Challenges !


Just Sharing a Thoughts by a MENTOR about Challenges that Small or Medium Business Entrepreneurs are facing in the real world and i find it very interesting and Lets Look at The "Points to Ponder"

She wrote :

More often than not, this 'EVERYTHING ALSO -CAN-DO' attitude lands the Entrepreneur in trouble especially in new projects. 
  • Without realistic assessment of his own capabilities in funding, 
  • Without experience and competitive strength, 
He plunges into so called virgin territory that existing competitors dominate.

To be fair, New and Small Entrepreneurs have no access to market info, consumer research, and competitive activities. RELYING on their gut feeling and entrepreneurial spirit, they plunge into new biz with gusto & optimism.

Unfortunately for every survivor, there are probably five casualties with BATTERED pride, Empty pockets & Hungry families

Economists will tell you that competition breeds efficiency & inefficient players will be eliminated eventually.

Before u invest into new venture: 
  • Do u consider yourself an efficient competitor? 
  • Do u know who are yr competitors? 
  • What is their competitive edge over U??

Dream big, start small. Avoid going head on with big cash flush competitors.

Silalah komen di sini dan tinggalkan nombor telefon / email add utk appointment.

call/sms saya   
012 3435 223  / 019 779 7709

add saya di FB PM me there

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